I know this one is a bit late but I thought it would still be worth posting despite us being almost in February. I'm not usually one to set goals in January, when the clock strikes 12 and everyone around me is eating their 12 raisins and making their 12 wishes, I just stuff my face with them and get on with my life. New Year's isn't really that big of a deal for me, if it weren't for my boyfriend I'd just spend it at home, drinking some delicious tea and watching Friends until I fell asleep. Having said that, it recently hit me that 2018 was quite a turn for me, I'm turning 23 this year, I've just finished university and I'm supposed to find my first job and move out, it all feels a bit overwhelming, so I thought this would be a good year to actually write down some of my goals as more of a guide and reminder to myself than anything else.