My first resolution is to no longer buy new clothes. Having said that, I looked back into the past year and realised all the clothes I've bought, except for underwear and one pair of pants, have been bought secondhand, which is so great. I would like to keep that momentum going and keep making an exception with underwear and basics.
Speaking of which, anything new I buy, clothes-wise, should come from an ethical brand, Good on You has written a few posts on ethical brands who sell such products, so they'll be my guiding light on this journey. Here are a few posts on the subject: The Ultimate Guide to Ethical and Sustainable Underwear for Men and Women, and Sustainable Bras and Bralettes to Support You and the Planet.
Something you may not know about me is that I was a vegetarian for about three years, for reasons I'd rather not get into, I started eating meat again, and although I eat mostly plant-based, sometimes I'll have some meat of fish. This year I'd like to adopt an even more plant-based diet and stick to it. Still on the dietary side of things, I would like to learn more about and practice sustainable eating. Besides cutting meat off and reducing my fish and seafood intake, I want to try and shop local/national more often and eat seasonally.Lastly, I'd like to continue my low-waste journey. Although I don't think we'll ever be completely zero waste, we can all try our best to continue to reduce our waste. To do so, this year I'd like to make more of my own products, I already make my own deodorant (recipe here), my body butter (add link), my own ACV rinse (here's how), and I even shared my Ultimate List of DIY Sustainable Products, but I want to do more, learn more, be better. Two products I'm looking to try out this year are Georganics' Natural Toothpaste or their Toothpaste Tablets, so maybe I'll be finally able to forgo toothpaste in plastic tubes.
Let me know what some of your resolutions for the new year are, maybe we can hold each other accountable and make sure we follow through!