Sustainable Christmas Decor from Etsy | Christmas

November 25, 2020

hands holding christmas bauble by christmas tree

Christmas is, without a doubt, my favourite time of the year, the decor, the food, the smell of roasted chestnuts in the streets, the feeling of knowing I'll finally see my brothers again, there's nothing like it. Even though I start my Christmas countdown about three months before, I do try to only decorate on December 1st, that's always been the tradition in my home, and I intend on keeping it. 

The holidays can be a very wasteful time of the year, from buying and disposing of cheap decor almost every year to all the packaging that comes with it, and while I'm a complete sucker for Christmas decor, this route just doesn't float with me. My family has had the same decorations for as long as I can remember, some got lost when we sold my childhood home, but most remained, with only a few bobbles getting purchased over the years to fill a bigger tree (we've also only ever had two Christmas trees over the past 25 years, so I'm counting that as a win).

Having said that, for the past few years, mostly because I moved out and wanted to start my own collection of Christmas decor, I've started buying a few bits every year, one for me, one for my mum and one for my boyfriend. Up to this year, I've always bought whatever I found cute and could afford, not thinking where it was coming from, all the while lusting over all the beautiful handmade items on Etsy, but this year, and going forwards, I'd like to keep my Christmas decor purchases a bit more mindful, buying from smaller brands or secondhand.

With everything going on this year, I think we've all realized the power of our own money, and how our purchases can influence the whole economy, by buying from smaller businesses we're supporting more ethical and sustainable practices, and Etsy is one of the best places to find exactly that.

So I’ve compiled a list of minimal Christmas decor that can pretty much go with whatever your aesthetic is, they're all handmade and each purchase supports a small business instead of big corporations, which is really what we should all do more.

ceramic mushroom ornament

Handmade Ceramic Mushroom by WildHarvestBotanical

Ceramic Trees

Ceramic Stars with Gold Details

brown paper houses

origami tree ornament

Christmas Tree Origami Paper Ornaments by VioletAtelierStore

macramé christmas ornaments

Cotton & Macramé Christmas Ornaments by 31deMarzo

Handmade Santa Ornament by CasaAbril

white porcelain christmas ornaments

Handmade Porcelain Ornaments by CreatingComfortLab

Handmade stained glass kissing mistletoe

Handmade Stained Glass Mistletoe by mayflymosaics

small wooden christmas trees

handpainted christmas ornaments

Hand Painted Ornaments by KemaKuBcn

white ceramic star

white ceramic heart

ceramic mushroom ornaments

white ceramic bell ornaments

Ceramic Cow Bell by 10FingersArt

light wood bead garland

Wooden Bead Garland by PortGardnerCrafts

These are just some of my favourite finds on Etsy, and ones I'd love to purchase over the years, let me know which ones you like best in the comments below. If you'd like to also make your own decorations, you can check last year's post on Zero Plastic Christmas Decorations for some inspiration!

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